Ed Hernandez, Candidate for San Leandro City Council District 2


Ed Headshot_zps9whmnlhhEd Hernandez is a real estate manager and a Planning Commmissioner. Learn more about Ed at www.edhernandezforcitycouncil.com


1 – What do you think about the current administration of the City? What would you like to see change?

I’d like to see an influx of diverse resources dedicated to fully connecting City Hall with the community to ensure that all the voices are heard on the issues.

2- Can you point to any decision the City Council has made in the last two years that you disagreed with?

I disagree with the 2nd dispensary being awarded to Davis Street Wellness Center due to the fact that Davis Street Resource Center (DSRC) is so closely tied to this new entity, that there is a perceived (and possibly real) conflict of interest with the City. Also, that local police leaders are evaluating their partnership efforts with DSRC for community-based programs like ‘Bike for Tykes.’

In regards to minimum wage, although I support it and like the idea of a living wage, the lack of a compromise for our small businesses is concerning and creates a perception that we do care about some members of our community, but not others.

Finally, only setting aside 30% of the funds (in the biannual budget) necessary to improve our roads and fix our potholes is not sufficient and we must find a way to close the gap in ensuring our infrastructure is sufficient for the incoming growth of our population and attraction of people who want to shop and work in San Leandro.

3 – What do you think should be your San Leandro’s response to the lack of housing stock? Do you support having a moratorium of any kind on rent increases, stronger rent control measures, increased housing development? Please elaborate.

San Leandro must focus on increasing affordable (by design) housing particularly near mass transit. We must ensure that we build within areas that are prime for redevelopment and encourage/attract developers with incentives that directly benefit the community. Furthermore, any development at BART, in our Downtown, or along our transit corridors should focus on mixed-use developments with a work-force housing component.

We should attract developers who care about San Leandro’s character and can also focus on building high-income housing for business entrepreneurs. Those who want to grow/expand their efforts at places like the San Leandro Technology Campus that provide advanced manufacturing and technology-oriented high paying jobs.

Furthermore, it’s time to start a dialogue (en espaiiol y mas) on creating incentives for home ownership through a first-time homebuyers program, providing counseling on debt relief and ‘best practices’ on how to negotiate a short-to-Iong term lease for those who cannot afford to purchase a home.

Finally, rent control is not the solution. We must build our way out of the housing crisis. Rather than limit opportunities to rent and develop in San Leandro, we must come together to tackle this challenge. Smart and sustainable development (of all types) is key in seizing this opportunity to improve the quality of life for all San Leandreans.

4 – What policies do you support implementing on the use of surveillance technology (surveillance cameras on streets, license plate readers, drones, etc.) by local law enforcement in your San Leandro?

We must continuously find a way to balance civil liberties and citizens right to privacy while taking advantage of rapidly changing technology to keep our neighborhoods safe.

5 – What will you do to address problems related to police brutality and misconduct in San Leandro?

Addressing the problems related to police brutality and misconduct starts with proper training. It is critically important to train law enforcement to use force in only the most extreme situations, as a last resort after all other options have failed. I’d like to see our police force out of their cars and engaged in the community, getting to know people in our neighborhoods and becoming familiar with the different cultures of our diverse city.

6 – How would you tackle the increasing militarization of the SLPD? Do you believe that the SLPD should continue to operate its SWAT team?

I believe it goes back to my answer to the question above-better training and more interaction and communication between our police force and residents. I do support the continuation of SWAT team operations.

7 – What do you think the City Council should do to help youth thrive?

In partnership with the school district we can provide additional funding for local youth programs, mentorships, internships and job training programs. Easily accessible youth centers or activities such as the Pop-up Teen Takeovers that give our teens a place to go with fun activities can be expanded to include educational programs and resources.

8 – How do you propose San Leandro should respond to formerly incarcerated citizens reĀ­entering the community? What will you do to support community-based support services for formerly incarcerated citizens?

People who have been incarcerated have completed their time and should be given support to rebuild their lives and the opportunity to become a contributing part of our community. We need to invest funding in supporting these people so they do not resort to re-offending as a survival mechanism. Any dollars spent to support formally incarcerated individuals in the long-term provides overall savings by preventing re-incarceration.

9 – How do you propose San Leandro address the causes and effects of climate change? Do you have specific policy recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in San Leandro? How do you propose San Leandro prepare for sea level rises?

San Leandro’s climate action plan is a good start, but I believe we can do better than a 25% reduction by 2020. With the rapid changes in technology surrounding clean energy we should easily exceed this minimum.

10 – Do you support a sunshine ordinance in San Leandro? Be specific as to terms.

Yes, I support a sunshine ordinance in San Leandro. The city is a public agency and therefore should conduct all business in public. The only exception would be confidential personal matters.

11 – What is your position on medical marijuana dispensaries? Do you support taxing the sale of medical marijuana?

I support having medical dispensaries in San Leandro within the guidelines of the city ordinance.

12 – Do you support raising the Chinese flag over San Leandro?

No, I believe flags of other nations should not fly over City Hall and best served staying neutral in global government affairs; the compromise to fly other flags is best served at Root Park.

13 – Do you support giving raises to the City Manager and other high-level managers?

I support fair compensation for all employees.

14 – Has your campaign received contributions from any person or entity doing business with the city? Please describe

David Irmer, Sunny Tong, and Tony Batarse.

15 – Do you or your campaign have a financial relationship with a member of the ACDCC? Who and in what capacity?


16 – Are you running as a Bemiecrat?


Candidate Statement

As a long-time Commissioner and Planning Commission Chair with a career in Business and Finance, and Master’s Degrees in Strategic Management and Organizational Development, I have the education and professional experience needed to represent you on City Council. Building on recent progress we can bring long-term fiscal stability to San Leandro while attracting technology and advanced manufacturing businesses creating well-paying jobs.

As we implement the years of planning that began San Leandro’s transformation, we must work together to seize opportunities and tackle our challenges while shaping our future. Most importantly, we must fully fund public safety to reduce emergency response times and safeguard our neighborhoods. I will continue to work with residents, community and business leaders, neighborhood associations, and elected officials to improve our schools, enhance retail and housing options throughout our neighborhoods, revitalize Bayfair, repair our streets, fix potholes and reduce traffic.

I choose to raise my family in San Leandro because it’s a community built on a culture and legacy of caring for others -values I want my daughters to learn first-hand. Working together we can enhance the vital safety-net programs that assist local families who struggle to meet basic needs.

I respectfully ask for your vote. Learn more at EdHernandezforCityCouncil.com