
Sep 182016
San Leandro Should Wait Before Licensing a Third Marijuana Dispensary

Update: On Sept. 20th, the City Council voted 6-0 (with Benny Lee abstaining) to approve a third marijuana dispensary in San Leandro. Short months after approving licensing a second marijuana dispensary in San Leandro, the City Council is considering adding a third license: one that would be granted directly to Blüm, a dispensary chain that already has three locations.  Blüm scored highest in the last application process, but the dispensary license was granted to Davis Street,  likely because of the close relationship between City Council members and the would-be operators of such facility.  Faced with the prospect of a lawsuit [Continue Reading]

Jan 052015
ACLU to Look at SLPD's Use of Social Media to  Spy on San Leandro Students

A lawyer from the ACLU has contacted a member of SAFE and explained that they are starting a review process on the tracking of kids’ online activities and the keeping of records on kids through graduation.   At their last City Council meeting, the Council approved a grant that will provide the San Leandro Police Department with resources to spy on students using social media and to maintain a database of any student behavior that could label a child as being “at risk,” this starting in elementary school. The ACLU is working to determine if the SLPD’s proposed tracking and [Continue Reading]

Nov 042014
Vote to Retain All Judges

A last minute reminder: please vote to retain all the appellate and Supreme Court judges. Some of them may be too liberal for you, some too conservative for me. But judicial independence requires that judges not be punished with removal just because they made rulings we disagree with – as long as those rulings are still legally legitimate. For example, there is a movement to remove the California Supreme Court justices who voted against allowing Prop 49 in the ballot. Prop 49 would have asked whether the US Congress should pass an amendment nullifying Citizens United, and the CA Legislature should ratify [Continue Reading]

Sep 032014

The San Leandro City Council eliminated full minutes of Council meetings several years ago.  To make up for this, and keep San Leandrans informed of what their Council is up to, Mike Katz-Lacabe tweets from the meetings. I’ve started compiling his tweets on this blog.  You can follow Mike’s tweets at @slbytes. My comments on his tweets are on italics. At last night’s meeting, Mike was – as it’s often the case – the only candidate for City Council that was present. Public Comments Al Frates condemns Vice Mayor Benny Lee for advocating for California Waste Solutions Oakland garbage contract. Gating Heron [Continue Reading]

Apr 092014
No Record of Complaints against E-Cigarettes in San Leandro

City Moves to Ban E-Cigarettes Despite Lack of Complaints About Their Use Last Month, the San Leandro City Council was set pass amendments to the City’s anti-smoking ordinance, as part of the consent calendar, that would prohibit the use of e-cigarettes to consume tobacco or marijuana everywhere where tobacco smoking cigarettes is prohibited today.  The ordinance also included a ban of smoking medical marijuana in private residences and after complaints by citizens Mayor Stephen Cassidy decided to take it off the agenda and bring it back, in an amended format, some time this month. The staff report that accompanied the [Continue Reading]