
Oct 072015
Vanity Awards Come to San Leandro

And I win for Best Restaurant! You will proud to know that I have just been awarded the “Best of San Leandro 2015” award, in the restaurant category, for Marina Restaurant.  You didn’t know that I owned Marina Restaurant? I didn’t either, though given that I’ve been getting their spam mail for years, I might as well.  It’s time that my sacrifices on behalf of the business were recognized and I thank the San Leandro Awards Program (SLAP) for the honor. According to SLAP’s press release, the award is granted to businesses that have “achieved exceptional marketing success in their [Continue Reading]

Sep 032014

The San Leandro City Council eliminated full minutes of Council meetings several years ago.  To make up for this, and keep San Leandrans informed of what their Council is up to, Mike Katz-Lacabe tweets from the meetings. I’ve started compiling his tweets on this blog.  You can follow Mike’s tweets at @slbytes. My comments on his tweets are on italics. At last night’s meeting, Mike was – as it’s often the case – the only candidate for City Council that was present. Public Comments Al Frates condemns Vice Mayor Benny Lee for advocating for California Waste Solutions Oakland garbage contract. Gating Heron [Continue Reading]

Apr 072013
Heron Bay HOA Huffs but Doesn't Puff

HOA Misses Deadline for CEQA Lawsuit on Halus Wind Turbine For the last half a year or so, the Heron Bay Homeowners Association has been threatening to sue the City of San Leandro if it approved the variance requested by Halus Power Systems to install a single wind turbine on an 80-foot tower on its property. Halus is on the business of refurbishing wind turbines and wants to be able to do on-site research and testing.  The Zoning Code requires that a property owner get a variance to erect any structure over 60 ft of height. Heron Bay is a [Continue Reading]

Apr 152012

It’s the place in town for great coffee drinks and a secret randevouz I’ve written about Mr. Bagel before, on my Foodblog, but I think it’s worth a mention here as well.  Mr. Bagel, located on East 14th at the old Planet Coffee location, is my favorite place to meet with people.  It’s close to my house (a big plus), it’s always empty (people who come in usually take their coffee/bagels to go) and their offerings are delicious.  Their Vietnamese sandwiches are a filling and quick lunch, they have a wide variety of big bagels (in addition to regular sandwiches [Continue Reading]

Mar 022012
Wanna have fun? Tell me how and win 2 tickets to "Salmon Fishing in Yemen"

Share your best ideas for entertainment venues in San Leandro. There is no doubt that San Leandro leaves much to be desired when it comes to entertainment.  We have a multiplex showing new releases, the quaint Bal Theater showing old movies and hosting special events, plays at the Conservatory Theater and comedy nights at The Englander.  And that’s pretty much it, unless you count high school sports & shows and the occasional political fundraiser.  No wonder San Leandro cops spend so much time busting people for selling dope – there isn’t much for young people to do in town other [Continue Reading]