
May 312018
Nancy O'Malley Lets Cops Get Away with Murder.  Literally.

This is Ryan Gill. He is a murderer. In late December 2010, Gill shot to death Gwendolyn Killings, an African-American woman from Hayward. Killings was driving a car that had allegedly been reported stolen earlier in the day; Gill claimed he spotted it and chased it until it crashed just over the Oakland border. The passenger got out of the car and fled, he later died under mysterious circumstances. Gill and his partner got out of their car as well, while his partner half-way chased the passenger. Gill approached Killing’s stopped car and shot her several times.  Gill would later claim [Continue Reading]

Sep 202016
City of Oakland Provides Free "Revenge Mail"  Service

The City of Oakland has set up a service to help Bay Area citizens get back at anyone (or at least, any male) whom they feel has done them wrong.   All they need to do is complete this form, entering the license plate number of their target’s car and make up a story as to how they were seen soliciting prostitution in some neighborhood known for such.   In response, “the Oakland Police Department will send a letter to the registered owner stating that the vehicle has been observed in an area known to have high incidences of sexual exploitation and [Continue Reading]

Dec 222015
Photos of San Leandro Undercover Police Officers

These are three of the four undercover officers which a parent recognized at the last San Leandro School Board meetings. Parents and children rallied against a program that will put police officers in the classroom to try to gain the trust of students so that they will snitch on one another. There were about forty parents and children protesting and speaking out against this program, and at least nine San Leandro Police officers, both in uniform and out, assigned to monitor them. As the undercover police officers were not recognized until after the rally, it’s possible that some of them [Continue Reading]

Dec 042015
Sad Lessons on Racism, Surveillance and Police Intimidation at School Board Committee Meeting.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a lesson on how the school-to-prison pipeline works, explained by the two School Resource Officers (SROs) that are assigned to San Leandro schools.  Just this week,  I had another big lesson on how institutionalized racism and even sexism by School Board members combine with the surveillance state not only to make sure the school to prison pipeline runs as smoothly as possible, but to disempower anyone that would question it. Sounds boring so far? Bear with me, we’ll get to the drama quickly enough. Last Tuesday night the San Leandro School Board curriculum [Continue Reading]

Dec 032015
This is how the School to Prison Pipeline starts in San Leandro: with Middle School Teachers

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a meeting of parents of English learners at my daughter’s middle school, here in San Leandro. I don’t usually go to ELAC meetings, but that night my daughter’s choir was going to be performing at the meeting. Before the performance, we chanced upon a presentation on online bullying by the two School Resource Officers (SROs), uniformed sworn SLPD officers which work in San Leandro public schools.  In addition to giving general information about bullying, the SROs laid out how they work at the middle schools.  I spoke to them later to get more [Continue Reading]