Sep 202016

revengeThe City of Oakland has set up a service to help Bay Area citizens get back at anyone (or at least, any male) whom they feel has done them wrong.   All they need to do is complete this form, entering the license plate number of their target’s car and make up a story as to how they were seen soliciting prostitution in some neighborhood known for such.   In response, “the Oakland Police Department will send a letter to the registered owner stating that the vehicle has been observed in an area known to have high incidences of sexual exploitation and trafficking.”  If the target opens the letter, it may just confuse him – but if it’s opened or seen by a family member or significant other, it could cause all sorts of strife.  Just what a jilted lover, upset political rival or unhappy business partner might want.

To make it easier for would-be-avengers, the report can be submitted anonymously.  While it’s technically illegal to submit false information to police, anyone who uses a public wi-fi connection and then deletes the cache of the form from their internet device, can feel fairly assured that it won’t be traced back to them.

The form is likely to be particular popular with High School girls dumped by their boyfriends, as their cars are most often registered in their parents’  names.

  One Response to “City of Oakland Provides Free “Revenge Mail” Service”

  1. This sounds scary, dawg! I be doin’ my bizness elsewhere!

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