Feb 272020

For all intents and purposes this blog is dead – as our activism has moved elsewhere -, but I was asked for voting recommendations for this election, and I’m happy to oblige. Unlike previous years, I did not do exhaustive research of candidates, so I’m basing some of these on the work done by other progressive groups, such as F.U.N Progressives in southern Alameda County and Our Revolution East Bay in the northern part.

President: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders life-long conviction in the urgency of empowering the working class and people of color have created a movement that can stand up both to Donald Trump and the entrenched economic interests that have stolen our democracy. He is our best choice to survive as a nation.

County Committee

Assembly District 15

  • Soli Alpert
  • Michael Barnett
  • Paola Laverde
  • Barbara “Bobbi” López 
  • Igor A. Tregub
  • Alfred Twu

Assembly District 16

  • Brittni Kiick
  • Jacqueline Tarin-Rankl
  • Jody Tomic

Assembly District 18

  • Victor Aguilar
  • Andrea Luna Bocanegra
  • Howard Egerman
  • Henry Gage III
  • Iris Merriouns
  • Jose Carlos Moreno
  • Pamela Price
  • Royl Roberts
  • Austin Tam
  • Marchon Tatmon

Assembly District 20 (vote for no more than 7)

  • Vinnie Bacon
  • Austin Michael Bruckner
  • Frank Burton
  • Vanessa Sadsad
  • Melissa Shuen-Mallory
  • Barisha Spriggs
  • Cullen Tiernan

Assembly District 25

  • Martha Kreeger


13th District: Barbara Lee

15th District: Samantha Campbell

17th District: Ro Khanna


7th District: Marisol Rubio

9th District: Nancy Skinner


  • AD 15: No recommendation
  • AD 16: Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (running against Republican)
  • AD 18: Rob Bonta (running against Republican)
  • AD 20 Alexis Villalobos 
  • AD 25 Alex Lee 

Superior Court Judge, Office #2

Mark Fickes OR Elena Condes

Note: I didn’t interview either candidate, and after originally recommending Fickes, I heard from other members of the movement that they were supporting Condes. If there is a runoff between these two, I’ll make a clear recommendation in the general.

Member, Board Of Education, 2nd Trustee Area

Angela Normand

Member, Board Of Education, 5th Trustee Area 

Not Luis Reynoso.
Neither of the other two candidates is progressive. Lisa Brunner, a white member of the Hayward School Board, is good meaning but sometimes oblivious to racial issues. Janevette Cole is the charter schools candidate.

Supervisor, 1st District 

Vinnie Bacon

Supervisor, 4th District

Esther Goolsby

Supervisor, 5th District

Nick Pilch


13 – School Bonds: Yes

C – Early Education: Yes

Oakland Measure Q: Yes

  One Response to “Alameda County Progressive Voting Guide – March 2020”

  1. Thank you for your endorsement!

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