Julie Testa, Candidate for Mayor of Pleasanton
Julie Testa is a business owner. Find out more about her at www.JulieTesta.com
1 – What do you think are the biggest problems in Pleasanton and how do you propose to address them?
Pleasanton has 2000 new housing units coming online. We do not have the infrastructure in place to mitigate the impacts, schools, traffic, water, of such a large numbers of new residents in such a short period of time. Pleasanton must work on solutions to manage the impact and meet the needs of all residents.
Pleasanton roads are congested and regional traffic is dire. Water shortages are severe. Every Pleasanton school exceeds the Pleasanton General Plan Guidelines, with no plans for additional schools. Pleasanton school campuses exceed the maximum enrollment for California Department of Education Site Requirements for ‘very large schools’. Pleasanton campuses are landlocked without the option for expansion to allow more acreage. As Pleasanton’s Mayor I will make infrastructure a priority before housing comes online, working in cooperation with the Pleasanton School District on school mitigation.
2 – What do you think should be your City’s response to the lack of housing stock?
Pleasanton has 2000 new housing units coming online, approximately 15% is identified as low income. This housing satisfies our regional housing needs until 2022. We do not have the infrastructure in place to mitigate the impacts (schools, traffic, water) of such a large numbers of new residents in such a short period of time. Pleasanton must work on solutions to meet the needs of all residents; I support responsible growth in housing development.
3 – What policies do you support implementing on the use of surveillance technology (surveillance cameras on streets, license plate readers, drones, etc.) by local law enforcement in your City?
I have been having conversations about civil liberties issues with Pleasanton’s city leaders and administrators for five years. I am an advocate of ACLU principles on surveillance technology.
4 – What will you do to address problems related to police brutality and misconduct in your City?
As a member of NAMI (National Alliance Mental Illness) I have been an active and vocal advocate of CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) training for 5 years. I am now also a vocal advocate of implementation of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/taskforce/taskforce_finalreport.pdf), “Law enforcement culture should embrace a guardian—rather than a warrior—mindset”. I have met with our police chief on implementation of the task force recommendations, which are a comprehensive plan for police reform.
5 – How do you propose your City address the causes and effects of climate change? Do you have specific policy recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in your city?
I have several thoughts for how Pleasanton can manage the effects of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the city:
• Limit sprawl and target residential approvals near existing retail and schools
• Promote renewable energy vehicles by providing free charging stations
• Investigate the city on its own or through partnership support financial incentives to install city-wide rooftop solar (on top of residential, commercial, and public structures)
• Support Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) where residents can pool their energy purchasing power in the city or with the County of Alameda to purchase power from renewable sources (Information at https://www.acgov.org/cda/planning/cca/)
• Support the City’s Heritage Tree ordinance and promote an increased tree canopy in parks and on sidewalk and street medians
• Promote water conservation before seeking new water supplies that come from far away or use extensive technological treatment that come with concomitant increased energy usage
6 – Do you or your campaign have a financial relationship with a member of the ACDCC? Who and in what capacity?
Candidate Statement
“It’s all about our Q!”
As Pleasanton mayor, I will promote a different perspective of Pleasanton’s Quality of Life issues: to stop excessive development, to collaborate with the school district in addressing overcrowding in our schools, to ease traffic congestion, to plan ahead for water shortages due to recurring drought, and to avoid irreversible impacts to our historic downtown. Most important this is your city, I am committed to really listen to the people of Pleasanton and to understand your concerns.
Preserving Pleasanton’s small-town character has motivated me through 30 years of community involvement. I served vulnerable populations as a City Commissioner on Pleasanton’s Human Services Commission for 11 years, as well as with students at Las Positas College, with the board of NAMI Tri-Valley (National Alliance on Mental Illness), and by serving on local nonprofit boards including the board of directors for Tri-Valley REACH (Resources Education Activities Community and Housing). I have participated on numerous budget and planning committees and task forces for both the City of Pleasanton and Pleasanton Unified School District, most recently PUSD Citizens’ Committee on Debt Management. With my lengthy and diverse record of service to Pleasanton, I am ready to apply those experiences to serving the Pleasanton community as Mayor.
My husband Nick and I are small business owners. Having lived in Pleasanton for 30 years, my three children attended Pleasanton’s public schools and all went on to graduate from California Universities.
Contact my campaign at julietesta4mayor@gmail.com, www.JulieTesta.com or find JulieTesta4Mayor on Facebook.