Another day, another opportunity for the San Leandro City Council to show its contempt for good governance, the voters and, well, the law. This time it comes courtesy of City staff and the City Council’s Rules & Communications Committee, presided by no other than Mayor Stephen Cassidy. The Rules committee has readied an amendment to the city’s Administrative Code to provide for the automatic deletion of all e-mails from the Inbox/sent folder and trash folder of all city employees & officials after a mere 120 days (4 months).
Of course, the City knows quite well that, under the law what they are planning to do is illegal. The California Public Records Act provides for the retention of government records for a minimum of 2 years. It defines records as “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics. ” And this definition is quite broad, as both the attorney general and the California Court of Appeals have found: “This definition is intended to cover every conceivable kind of record that is involved in the governmental process and will pertain to any new form of record-keeping instrument as it is developed. Only purely personal information unrelated to “the conduct of the public’s business” could be considered exempt from this definition, i.e., the shopping list phoned from home, the letter to a public officer from a friend which is totally void of reference to governmental activities.”
The City, of course, is not prepared to argue that e-mails are not public records, because it would be a battle they would lose. Instead, what they are doing is saying that as a matter of policy they will consider “every e-mail a preliminary draft and not retained in the ordinary course of business,” and make it incumbent upon each individual employee and council member to determine whether a particular e-mail is a public record per the CPRA, and if so, save it in a different folder. The city is using the “draft” language because the CPRA makes an exception for “preliminary drafts, notes, or interagency or intra-agency memoranda that are not retained by the public agency in the ordinary course of business, provided that the public interest in withholding those records clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure.” Of course, an e-mail message in no way meets the definition of “draft,” much less as outlined by California Supreme Court precedent on the matter. Moreover, the city’s definition of what constitutes a public record is much narrower than that of the CPRA itself (see the City Council’s Draft Guidelines Regarding the Use of City Electronic Communications), which makes it likely that city staff and council will not save many e-mails that are public records under the CPRA.
San Leandro is by no means the first California city to have adopted a policy like this. The city of Coronado adopted a similar policy in 2000 and landed a nice lawsuit that led it to change its procedure. Monterey gave it a go in 2005, resulting in yet another lawsuit and a $110,000 attorney fees award for the lawyer who challenged the policy. Still, this issue has not yet risen to the Appellate level and San Leandro may be willing to take the gamble that it won’t. It would not be the first time that the city took a risky legal position for no good reason.
It’s impossible to know how much making this amendment will cost the city, though I will note that the CPRA requires a court to award attorneys fees to a prevailing plaintiff – thus the $110K attorney fees judgment in the Monterey case. This also means that a plaintiff is more likely to be able to find a pro-bono lawyer, knowing that they will eventually get paid.
From a practical point of view, this new policy is also likely to backfire. Knowing that the City will automatically destroy all e-mail evidence after 120 days, anyone interested in keeping an eye on what’s going on in the city could just do a CPRA request for all e-mails stored in all city computers every couple of months. They could then just dump the data into a public website and people could search through it at their pleasure. This, of course, would mean that rather than responding to occasional CPRA requests and gathering a limited amount of records, city staff would be burdened with regular CPRA requests that require gathering lots of records. This doesn’t seem like good use for city staff time.
We can speculate as to what is prompting City staff to push for this policy change at this time. It’s difficult to not believe that fear of having controversial information disclosed is not at the heart of it. If so, it’s quite lamentable.
What’s it cost to store the information for two or more years?How much information are we talking about?Who on the council wants to delete the information after 4 months? What other cities have a policy that we might emulate? Good article and good topics in general for the blog, hope you can expand.
Craig, the cost of storing the information is trivial. Their excuse for deleting it is that all those messages on Outlook inboxes slow down the system. That’s apparently true, but 1) they could move to a better designed e-mail software and/or 2) there are many other things they can do to preserve the data, including storing all when it comes/goes in a central computer. But look how they are defining e-mail as drafts so they don’t have to keep it. That’s the clue to me that what their real intent is to try to get around the CPRA.
I don’t know who, exactly, is behind this policy. I can tell it comes from staff and I know that at the rules committee meeting Cassidy & Reed were pushing for it, though apparently staff did not inform them of the CPRA implications.
I don’t necessarily think we need to emulate any other city’s policies. San Leandro (Police department excluded) does a great job of responding to CPRA requests. What we need to do is just make sure the city recognizes e-mails as public records and stores them for 2 years as provided by law. It’s really not so difficult.
Thanks for the reply.I wonder what the newspapers think about the issue and if they would be interested in making it into a story.
One more good reason to remember this and work hard to make sure that Cassidy and Reed are not returned to office. Their objective is to make it difficult if not impossible to document their actions.
This is just one more example of the perfidious impact of the water on the leadership of San Leandro. Jack Maltester drank the water, Tony Santos continued to drink it and now it looks as though Cassidy has become infected as well.
I know the water is merely a device to explain the obvious corruption that seems to infect San Leandro politicians. That none of the council is speaking out against this is proof enough.
The San Leandro Patch did a pretty good follow up on this article, read it at Jill promises a second part is coming.