Paul Black, the sole incumbent in this race, responded to my questionnaire even though he actually wasn’t seeking the Democratic endorsement. He told me that this was a non-partisan race, so he did not want the endorsement of any party. You just have to love the quality of the candidates you get in Albany 🙂
Black’s answers were intelligent, showed that he is on top of issues and that he’s a careful thinker. Black shows those same qualities on his writings.
Charles Blanchard is a former School Board member who retired in 2008, amidst accolades. I found his approachability refreshing, and the answers to my questionnaire showed a commitment to progressive values. He is familiar with the district and seems committed to make Albany schools thrive even more.
I reached out to all candidates for Albany School Board and invited them to meet/speak with me and/or respond to a candidate questionnaire. I only endorse candidates who are strong liberals, are committed to accountability, transparency and fact-based legislating and who are intelligent, competent and knowledgeable.
Other Albany Endorsement: Tony Thurmond for Assembly.
See Marga’s 2014 Voter Guide for recommendations on propositions and other local endorsements.