Dan Walters
Dan Walters
Oro Loma Sanitary District
November 4, 2014
Occupation: Engineer/Business Owner
Age: 55
I am eager to work with the fine staff at Oro Loma to keep our sewer
rates the lowest in California and I ask for your vote. My experience as
a process engineer, inventor (4 patents), and business founder/CEO are
directly transferrable to the role of Oro Loma Sanitary District Director.
I have owned and operated a manufacturing business in San Leandro
for 17 years. I have a BS in Chemical Engineering from Michigan
Technological University and an MBA from Pepperdine University. I
previously served as Chamber of Commerce President, Redevelopment
Advisory Committee Chair, Calidad Industries Chair (a Goodwill affiliate)
and Chabot College Foundation Chair. I currently serve as Vice-Chair of
the Shoreline Citizens Advisory Committee, Chair of the LINKS
Transportation Management Organization and serve as an officer of the
Alameda County Workforce Investment Board. I am a long-time Boy
Scout board officer and past Girl Scout vice-president. I will work with
the board and staff at Oro Loma to ensure that the San Francisco Bay is
protected, our finances remain strong, and our rates remain very low. I
may be contacted at 510-292-8418 or DanWalters906@gmail.com.